Johnnie Walker Blended Scotch Blue Label 80 750Ml
Johnnie Walker Blended Scotch Blue Label 80 750Ml
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Velvety combination of vanilla, honey and rose petals before broadening out to include a zesty orange flavor with notes of hazelnut, sherry and dark chocolate
Indulge all of your senses with a smooth glass of Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Scotch Whisky. An exquisite blend made from some of Scotland's rarest and most exceptional Scotch whiskies, our whisky offers incomparably rich and smoky waves of powerful flavor. Only one in every ten thousand casks has the elusive quality, character and flavor to deliver the remarkable signature taste of Johnnie Walker Blue Label. Truly, it is an extraordinary Scotch Whisky for extraordinary occasions. Simply pour over ice in a whisky tumbler for an elegantly simple drink. Johnnie Walker was recognized as one of the world's top-trending Scotch whiskies at the 2020 Drinks International awards. Please drink responsibly. View More
Alcohol by Volume: 40%